
The use of webquest in the classroom is a good way to motivate students and to develop key competences in them. Through the development of a webquest it is expected to motivate students in their learning process, using innovative resources and materials. One of the key points is to show a significant learning in order to catch their attention.

Dealing with a webquest, a lot of habilities and skills are worked. Students have to look for information, they have to solve problems, work in groups, develop synthesis capacity, etc.

With the use of this task, teachers are not the centre of the lesson, here the most important are the students, who are the creators of their own language. The main objective of a webquest is to present the students a simulation of the real world.

Here, I show you a webquest that I have created in order to show students a different culture, and some important aspects that they would have to bear in mind when thinking in travelling abroad like flights, accommodation, places to visit, traditions and festivities...

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