
Glogster is a 2.0 web tool that allows to create digital interactive posters. One of the key points of glogster is that it engages students' attention, motivating them with the use of videos, pictures and attractive materials.

This is the glogster I have created for the story 'The landlady' by Roald Dahl, used mainly as post reading task.

As it can be seen, students are focused on the ending of the story. On the one hand,  it is shown the written version by Roald Dahl. On the other hand, they can watch another ending by Alfred Hitchcock. The purpose of this glogster is to show students different versions of the same stories and to make them think about similarities and differences between them. Moreover they are encouraged to make an intensive reading in order to create a list with some key points of the story. Finally they are motivated to write their own personal ending.

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